Well, the car saga continues, it has been back in the shop since last Thursday and I have not heard from them since Monday. Ya'll pray they blew it up and have to give me a new or newish car for free. :) I hope to hear from them today, but am really enjoying driving their new A3 Turbo. I am trying not to enjou it too much, as I WILL have to give it back. CRAP! I will keep you posted.
Had a pretty good weekend, I dealt on Friday nigth till about 3:30 AM and only made $200 because the players were CHEAP!!! 1st place was $2700 and the jerk tipped me $70. I was stunned. Scott was pretty pissed too, but there wasn't anything he could do at that point. Well it was $200 I did not have and I thank God for it especially after the Audi expenses lately.
Saturday I did nothing but watch football all day and sadly the GT Jackets got beaten by VT. It took a couple of adult beverages to drown my sorrow. Donna Gamechickens got beaten as well, so she joined me in the beverage drowning, er downing. Something.
Sunday was my little buddy Ryker T.'s 2nd birthday, but most of you know that. We had a great time at J,K and Ryker's house. The boy hauled in a ton of loot again. Donna picked out his Wonder Pets Fly Boat and he really liked it, so Well Done, Baby! Stayed around and hung out with the Fam for a while and then motored my way home. I love that kid!
Otherwise things are going well, we are getting ready to be really busy at work. We are about 2-3 weeks away from starting phase 2 on the church. Lockheed is in full swing. we priced and bid a law office for about $250,000 that we have basically been awarded. Also we have a couple of other small jobs to work on over the next month or two. THANK YOU LORD!! Other than that we are just living and enjoying what we do and what God has blessed us with so, we'll keep at it.
All for now, CIAO'!!
13 years ago