Wll, I haven't posted in a while, so here is what is happening in our world as of lately. Not much to report, but we did have our bi-annual neighborhood camp out this past Saturday night. One of my bud's in the 'hood bought his house and lot and it backs up to Pumpkinvine Creek. No one can build behind him and the other side of the creek has not been built up as of yet. His lot is 2.5 acres and about 1 acre is his yard. The rest back to the creek is woods. He cleaned it all out for the most part back to the creek and cleared out areas for tents, a large fire pit (about the size at the cabin) with about a 2 foot offshoot that has a cooking grate across the rocks. We drag coals under the grate and cook whatever you want. Donna and I were not hungry as we had had a huge Thanksgiving dinner at Memaw's (yes in October, for those that weren't there) and it was REALLY yummy!! I don't eat like that often, but it is sure fun when I can. It is, however, close enough to the house that we can run 500' of cable and 500' of power cord to hook up the TV for the football games!! We were roughing it though, we had a regular TV, but no flat screen, what a shame.
Anyway, there were about 15 adults and at least that many kids. About half stayed the night, I went ahead and went home as sleeping on the ground is tough for us old guys with bad necks and backs. I really haven't invested in a whole lot of camping gear as my idea of "roughing it" is Scott's cabin. :) The kids all mobbed me when I got there as I am the scary teller of stories. They all wait for me to get there and then drag me deep into the woods to tell them all scary stories. I usually make them cry and run yelling back to camp they are so scared, but they want me to do it every time we camp out.....kids are hard to figure sometimes. The funniest part was that this time, the stories didn't so much scare them as me roaring at the top of my lungs right in front of them. But, hey, I enjoy it and so do they. After that we all watched some football and kept the fire going pretty good. It was a great night for this, just cool enough to need the fire, but not so cold you could not have a good time. Then we cooked grilled cheese sandwiches over the fire and had some more beverages. People drifted off in ones and twos and about 4 of us shut it down about 1:30. It was a great time and we love to do it. Best part.....home in 5 minutes and asleep in 5 more.
I think Donna and I may take her folks up to the cabin this weekend and go Ruby mining. It can be a lot of fun, but they are only open March thru October, so we are running out of time. They want to get some apples anyway, so we may as well make a trip out of it. Still a bit up in the air though. All for now............CIAO'
13 years ago
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